The past week or two have been an absolute whirlwind! Why? You ask? Mostly because of one of my biggest dreams has finally come true!
March 1st marked the official launch date of my autobiography “Catch a Star” which was written along with Ken Petersen.
I had back-to-back book signings at local Barnes and Noble bookstores (Keystone & Greenwood). Both signings were sell out crowds and it was awesome to be able to share stories and these special moments with some of my family, friends and fans who have been with me beyond my Fever years.
In the midst of my book release week, I had an opportunity to participate in Butler University’s Symposium and spoke about Overcoming Obstacles and being a champion both on and off the court. The support was great, and once again being able to share my stories and experiences with a different mix of people was absolutely wonderful.
From Indy I headed to the Big Apple, New York City, for another book signing at the NBA Store. In a whirlwind of about 36 hours in NY we got a lot accomplished. From the book signing to Pop a Shot challenges to interviews (both in person and on the phone), to photo shoots… we accomplished a LOT in a little bit of time. God is so good!
After NY, I headed down south to Jacksonville, Florida to watch the Lady Vols compete in the SEC Tournament. I landed right in time to drop my bags at the hotel and make my way to the gym to watch them defeat Texas A&M. After the game, I got to spend time with Shyra Ely and her hubby and their son. Love, love, love my peeps!!! We crashed the post game party and just congratulated the girls on another victory but challenged them to continue playing the Lady Vol way- passion, heart and lots of FUN!!
I was nervous walking up to the Barnes & Noble in Jacksonville because I didn’t know what to expect : ). But, as soon as I walked in the door and saw all that Orange, I knew I was in Lady Vol land. We sold out of books at the store and the manager was scrambling to contact all of the local stores to gather as many books as he could to sell to our fans!! I had a few special guests come through too!! International best-selling author, Jon Gordon, who so generously spoke at last years Scholar Athlete Dinner came to buy MY book! It meant the world to me to have his support! And, Brian, one of our 2012 Scholar Athlete Finalists who moved down to Jacksonville a few years ago. I’m definitely feeling the love!!
Prior to my dash to the airport, I attended the Lady Vols pep rally that was going on right outside of the arena. Something about that Orange that always puts a smile on my face. Best fans hands down and the people… just so genuine and loving!
I want to take a moment to thank all of my fans for coming and supporting me in my book tour!! What a blessing to have so many people wanting my book and continuing to show love in every which way. You guys are absolutely amazing and I’m so thankful to have each of you in my life!!
We hosted our 1st ever Dallas Clinic at Pleasant Oaks Recreation Center and served over 100 boys and girls. The all day camp was amazing and our wonderful cast of volunteers, partners and sponsors were on hand to give the kids an unforgettable day!! This is just the beginning of our Catch the Stars expansion. Stay tuned for the next stop!!
I was extremely honored to be recognized as one of espnW’s Impact 25 ladies. Talk about fierce, amazing and just absolutely awesome ladies both on and off the court/field/track, etc… In the midst of all of the other craziness, I got to go to NY and be a part of their first ever espnW Impact 25 gala and learn more about each one of these lovely ladies. Being in a room with so many athletic women made me even prouder to be a role model for the young ladies that are growing up aspiring to follow in our footsteps. What an amazing night!! Thank you espnW for selecting me in such a powerful group!
We recently announced the transition of my new website- And, we opened up the Tamika Catchings Shoe Design Contest. So, the madness started and I went on my first official book tour. The fun has just begun : )
I have a few things coming up (see below), but I really want everyone to get involved in my Shoe Design Contest. From now through March 24th go to and submit a shoe design for me to wear during this upcoming season. I get to pick my favorite 12 so feel free to submit as many as you want. This will be an exciting year and I hope that each of you will be able to be a part of it!!!
Stay tuned and until we meet again! Best wishes and God Bless!!