Source: BBC News
Source: The Star Press
Source: The Daily Beacon (University of Tennessee)
Source: Knoxville News Sentinel
The past week or two have been an absolute whirlwind! Why? You ask? Mostly because of one of my biggest dreams has finally come true! March 1st marked the official launch date of my autobiography “Catch a Star” which was written along with Ken Petersen. I had back-to-back book signings at local Barnes and Noble bookstores (Keystone & Greenwood). Both…
Voice gone, body exhausted… but feeling very inspired!! NBA All-Star Weekend2016 was a HUGE success! The past week has been a whirlwind of events – fit clinics, hospital visits, camp, Special Olympic games and so much more and I LOVED every minute of it!! It’s such a blessing to be a blessing! I know I say that all the time,…